
Showing posts from November, 2021

Reflection on the webinar (1)

source:   On the 24th of November students of GPTE programme attended a webinar with Ms Paulina Andruszkiewicz-Glińska called 'Classroom management'. The presenter is a Faculty of Education graduate and works with young learners in the primary school. During this webinar, the presenter talked about multiple aspects of the topic. She started with defining classroom management and listing common mistakes while working with a group of students. She presented tips on conducting a well-prepared and effective lesson. She highlighted the importance of teacher-student relationship while showing us some additional videos. The presenter gave examples of helpful activities while talking about classroom routines. At the end, some advices and solutions for possible difficulties were featured. I admire that the presenter shared her experiences with us. Her reflections from years of teaching served her as...

Reflection on a lesson (2)

During our class we have watched the beginning of a video containing an English lesson with young learners. Learners are students of Polish primary school. This lesson was devoted to practicing vocabulary and introducing new words. Vocabulary used by the teacher and students includes:  colours ( yellow, blue, grey, pink, black, green ) names of animals ( teddy bear, spider, fish, snake, penguin ) other characters ( witch, Santa Claus ) fruits ( apple, banana ) numbers from 1 to 15 new words ( good and bad ) During the class students practiced reacting to instructions ( stand up, sit down, clap your hands, jump, stop, turn around, point to the ... ) and answering questions ( What's your name?, What is it?, How many?, Who is good?, What color is it? ).  Teacher used blackboard and chalk, a picture book and flashcards with numbers. Activities used by the teacher include: cirlce time (introduction, answering questions) team game ( listen and touch ) TPR (reacting to teacher's ins...