Reflection on the webinar (1)



On the 24th of November students of GPTE programme attended a webinar with Ms Paulina Andruszkiewicz-Glińska called 'Classroom management'. The presenter is a Faculty of Education graduate and works with young learners in the primary school.

During this webinar, the presenter talked about multiple aspects of the topic. She started with defining classroom management and listing common mistakes while working with a group of students. She presented tips on conducting a well-prepared and effective lesson. She highlighted the importance of teacher-student relationship while showing us some additional videos. The presenter gave examples of helpful activities while talking about classroom routines. At the end, some advices and solutions for possible difficulties were featured.

I admire that the presenter shared her experiences with us. Her reflections from years of teaching served her as a starting point for changes. I felt inspired and motivated to be more reflective of my teaching. I appreciate the tools she introduced us to. For me, giving examples of activities for different occasions and parts of a lesson were especially helpful. The structure of the presentation was based on repetition. That way, important information was introduced, developed and revised. The slides were colourful and the presenter kept a balance between the visuals and information.

I was especially interested in how teachers establish classroom habits (warm-up activities, welcome and goodbye routines) and what is their impact on students' attitude. They also create a safe and stable environment - students know what to expect and are ready to engage in activities they find entertaining. Another crucial thing is establishing ground rules, while making learners aware of their importance. It can be done with their help and put in a place both visible and easily approachable. Maintaining an honest, healthy relationship between teacher and students is part of learning environment. Teachers should remember to create a stress-free environment for their learning to be more effective.

Overall, I found this webinar truly helpful in terms of practical activities and classroom solutions. I am looking forward to trying them on in my classroom and finding out more about teacher-students relationships.


  1. I also appreciate the tools that the presenter introduced to us. Thanks to her hands-on information and experience which are really precious, we will probably feel at ease somehow in our teaching later as for classroom management. I think it is necessary for us to bear those tools in our mind and have something up our sleeves.

    1. Bartek, thank you for your comment! Yes, I think it comes with time and experience. It’s definitely useful to have some tools in case they’ll be needed. I also think trying out different methods and approaches helps get an idea on what works best for us and our students.


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