About me

Hello, my name is Małgosia and I am from Poland. I was born, raised and educated in Warsaw. Both my grandmothers and my grandfather were teachers and my mum works in kindergarden as a speech therapist. At the end of secondary school, I've decided to become a teacher. I studied Early Education and Teaching English to Young Learners at the University of Warsaw and graduated this year.

During my studies I had a chance to attend different classes, first as a observer and then as a teacher. Before the pandemic, I was giving private lessons in English. Two years ago during summer holidays, I worked with a 10-year old girl from Yemen. I realised working with kids gives me great joy and is really rewarding.

Apart from my studies, I am a declared sports fan. I love watching football, tennis, athletics and winter sports. When I was younger, I practised swimming, gymnastics, tennis and dancing. Now, I like to go running, cycling or walking. Whenever I am on holidays, I am visiting different stadiums - so far my favourites are in Berlin, Gdańsk and Bielsko-Biała.


Stadium in Bielsko-Biała

Olympic Stadium in Berlin

In my free time, I like reading books, especially about sports and biographies. I am keen on cooking and baking. Experimenting in the kitchen is my way of relaxing. As a fan of cakes, I am currently learning how to make some of the difficult ones. I enjoy sightseeing and learning about other cultures. As a cinema lover, I am always eager to talk about movies.

French pastry with apple filling

Classic chessecake

That's all for now. I am looking forward to learning more about all of you!


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