Teaching practice (7) - Error management

Most Common Types of Errors in PHP - FleaFix
source: https://fleafix.in/most-common-types-of-errors-in-php/
The seventh and last topic I would like to write about is classroom management. I observed the class on 24.02.2022 (1st lesson) and 26.02.2022 (1st lesson). First, I will briefly describe the class and the lessons observed. Then, I will share some observations of mistakes made by students and reactions from the teacher. At the end, I will share my reflections about the strategies used by her and their effectiveness (based on what I observed).

Information about the class

I observed the 2nd grade (students are 7-8 years old). There are 26 students in the class. Students have English lessons 2 hours each day of the week.

The topics of observed lessons were:
  1. Winter Olympics - learning the names of chosen disciplines
  2. Winter Olympics - the history of the Olympic Games
The aims of the lessons were:
  1. introducing and practising new vocabulary (bobsleigh, speed skating, ski jumping, snowboarding, curling, figure skating, luge, cross country skiing)
  2. introducing elements of the history of Winter Olympics, practising the names of winter sports
Types of mistakes in the classroom


Example of error: Answering the question incorrectly - ‘You are fine’ instead of ‘I am fine
  • the teacher highlights the mistake by saying: ‘Yes, I am fine. And you should say: I am …
  • student corrects the mistake and fills in the sentence and repeats after the teacher

Example of error: Mispronouncing the word bobsleigh
  • the teacher highlights the mistake by pointing it out the (she says the word once again)
  • student corrects the mistake by repeating after the teacher (until it’s correct)

Examples of errors:

Lack of distinction between left and right side of the body
  • the teacher highlights the mistake by pointing at the right ear and asking: ‘Is it your left ear?
  • student corrects the mistake by looking at the teacher and other students, and touching his left ear
Student names the incorrect sport
  • the teacher highlights the mistake by saying ‘it’s not ice hockey
  • student corrects the mistake by changing the answer (he names another sport)
Student points at incorrect card (after hearing the name of the sport)
  • the teacher highlights the mistake by asking: ‘Is it ice hockey?
  • student corrects the mistake by shaking her/his head and changing the answer
My reflection

This teacher uses a few techniques to correct students’ mistakes:
  1. she uses gestures (nods her head, points at pictures)
  2. she often says ‘it’s incorrect’ or simply ‘no
  3. she asks other students to share their answers (hoping they’re correct)
  4. she asks a question, stressing on the mistake
  5. she points out the student who was correct and encourages another pupils to repeat
Strategies used in the classroom are effective and most of the time, students have no difficulties with acknowledging the mistake. Some of them don’t know how to correct it or are hesitant to pronounce the word differently. That’s why the encouragement they get from the teacher is crucial. She uses encouragement, with words like: ‘try one more time’ or with hand gestures.

I reckon the correction’s aim is to raise students' awareness of the mistakes and possible difficulties - their strengths and weaknesses in a given topic. When students are practising new parts of material - either vocabulary or grammar points - mistakes will happen. The danger lies in overcorrecting students, so they won’t believe in themselves and will lose interest in learning new things. Also, the teacher needs to decide each time, if the mistake needs to be corrected or if it doesn't.


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